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I’ve been able to overlook most of the stretches of imagination that Teenagers In Space has asked of me this far since there have been plausible explanations for most of it. Not today, though. This [More]
In the latest episode of Teenagers in Space, Kat, top graduate of astronaut school, is still struggling with quick release buckles. Also, Mars! This video also available on Floatplane: https://www.floatplane.com/channel/TheMightyJingles/home Check out my other channel, [More]
#ejstory #deliverusmars Game ini berkisah tentang seseorang bernama Kathy bersama kakaknya Claire yang mau menyelamatkan bumi dari kehancuran yang disebabkan alam yang sudah benar2 rusak, tiba2 muncul solusi dimana mereka harus membawa pulang salah satu [More]